Thank you so much for your subscription. So what’s next?

You will need to log into your email account, and confirm your subscription to Being Sane. 

As soon as you confirm your subscription, you will receive an e-mail in the next 2 minutes with the Imposter Syndrome. 

What if you don’t receive anything?

If you use Gmail
If you’re using Gmail, it’s likely that you may NOT see the newsletter or get the Imposter Syndrome report. That’s because Gmail puts the newsletter directly into the “Promotions” tab (in Gmail itself) or sends it to spam. 

Check your Gmail account then drag it out from Spam or the Promotions Folder and move it to the Inbox. That will tell Gmail that you wish to view the newsletter in your Inbox, and not some random folder. 

If you still don’t get the e-mail
If you don’t receive an e-mail from me, please don’t wait. E-mail me right away. 


P.S. I’m not on all social media and I don’t access LinkedIn regularly. E-mail is easily the best way to get in touch.