
You create a safe space for everybody to share and brainstorm about the happy, not so happy and often confusing thoughts.

I could always count on your support and advise and when it’s required – simply you turn into a great listener.

The mindfulness practices that you introduced me to, gave me an opportunity to contact with my inner voice and let me understand the deep buried needs. You thought me how to self-consciously analyse my issues and deal with them with respect to my feelings.
Thanks to you and your positive attitude I now know how to walk through life keeping the work-life balance and mind open to any circumstances.

Mariola Kotaba


8,257 miles separate us. I have never met you in person. Yet, you have forever changed my life…my way of thinking…my way of being.
You opened your heart and shared yourself fully, without fear.

You have helped me learn that limitations are not limiting, we can break free and release our hold on these boundaries, we can break the patterns we have lived with for so long, we can expand and grow. We can be open to each other, the world and the unknown that may be ahead of us.

Your honesty, sincerity, guidance, and smile have been a breath of fresh air to me. It gives me the confidence to go out and be the full me, the honest me.

Gayle E Smith

New York

The passion and skill that Shirisha has for mentoring and coaching is a true gift; I must say, the way she was the tugboat to my otherwise lost ship at sea. I didn’t even realise how she guided me so effortlessly to topics that caught my attention, made me interested in learning, in life, in new concepts and introduced me to mindfulness.

The biggest turning point was me feeling for myself, not just empathising with other people and putting them first. Empathising with myself was and is the biggest achievement because Shirisha taught me and still reminds me on occasion how to listen to my own feelings and voice and how to stand up for myself.

I can’t trust talking about my career and aspirations with anyone; I had bad experiences and received advice that was anything but friendly or productive. That is another spectrum Shirisha is working with me: how to trust myself and treat myself with kindness, and she leads by example. Recently, I called on Shirisha to ask for professional guidance; she patiently listened to everything I had to say, muddled thought process and everything, worked through the confusion (literally see the image of a person detangling a ball of thread here) and was able to give me a solution, a perfect fit solution.


Analyst, HSBC

It helped me to unearth some subconscious patterns that were driving some of my decisions with career.

“The conversations I had with Siri were very helpful to see through the muddled-up thoughts on the career choices that were in front of me. It helped me to unearth some subconscious patterns that were driving some of my decisions with career.

Siri listens and provides a space of non judgement. After a few sessions , I could see without judgement and blame the needs that I was meeting with career choice , an atypical one, that I was making.

She is knowledgeable, with real world experience in corporate which helps her to connect with the dynamics that is common at work place.

I would strongly recommend Siri if you are looking to talk to someone who can help you see to yourself and feel empowered to work with self in an enriching manner.”

Ramakrishnan K

Software Engineer

In the last 2.5 years, I have been able to navigate some toxic workplace conflicts, plan my finances with courage, and clarify my own vision of what well-being at work looks like for me. I’m grateful to Siri for being the catalyst in this change.

I started my sessions with Siri in mid 2021 and continue to benefit from her guidance. I found Siri’s approach very different from what I saw in my previous coaching experiences. One thing her coaching style isn’t is a templatized program about climbing up proverbial ladders, setting goals, or making lists. These never worked sustainably for me anyway. She has no program, no one-size-fits-all philosophy. Each of my sessions with Siri have taken a different form. And she brings all her skills and presence to address whatever I am needing to address—no trend-based productivity mumbo jumbo, just staying with what comes up and works best for me.

Siri is an acute and perceptive listener and holds space with empathy and kindness. I feel seen, heard, and accepted for who I am. A lot of times, this is what I need more than motivation, goals, or strategies. She helps bring full awareness to what is going on. Some things have needed practical solutions and she has left me with suggestions to consider. But sometimes, I have needed a radical realignment in reframing persistent beliefs about work, colleagues, and my own self-worth.

I found it freeing to not be given fixed solutions to implement. Our sessions are always flexible too. I have the agency to decide when and how often I need the sessions and we talk about scheduling based on our availability. I found this very empowering.

Deepthi Krishnamurthy

Lead Copy Editor, Labcorp

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