Transform Your Work Life

Unlock Your Potential with Expert Coaching

Discover how personalized coaching sessions can help you navigate workplace challenges, enhance your professional growth, and achieve your career goals.

Feeling Lost in Your Career?

Imagine driving on a road enveloped in a dense fog. The path ahead is obscured. The visibility is limited, and you are hunched over your seat, tightly gripping the steering wheel. Every turn feels uncertain.

You can barely see a few feet in front of you, making it hard to gauge where you are headed or what obstacles or unexpected traffic might lie ahead.

Just as a fog limits your vision on the path ahead, feeling stuck in a career rut can cloud your sense of direction and clarity.

If you are stuck in a career rut, it may manifest as

  • Struggle to set goals
  • Struggle to make informed decisions about your future
  • Unable to get out of the current rut
  • Uncertainty about the future
  • Hesitant to take risks
  • Unsure about pursuing new opportunities
  • Fear of making the wrong decision
  • Self Doubt & Anxiety
  • Worrying about job security
  • Concern about navigating the changing world
  • A sense of being stuck and not able to move ahead
  • Fear of making the wrong decision
Get unstuck from a career rut with a Coach

Getting unstuck from a career rut with a Coach

On a foggy road, when you are gripped by uncertainty and fear, you can be paralysed. It can seem safe to be just where you are, without moving ahead.

Where you are standing still, inside your car, can seem safe. But often, inaction or standing still just puts you at the mercy of other forces not in your control.

The way to move forward is to first know where you are. You rely on road signs, lights and sometimes other drivers to navigate safely.
In the foggy road of your career, a coach can help you find clarity and direction, when the future seems all muddled, and the present seems challenging.

So how to get out of the foggy road?

Coaching is a powerful tool for transformation if you’re feeling trapped in a career rut. It helps you gain clarity by exploring the root causes of your dissatisfaction, identifying your strengths and passions, and setting actionable goals.

Coaching reveals new perspectives and potential pathways through reflective conversations and insightful discoveries. This process supports you in realigning your career with your personal values, turning stagnation into growth, and moving forward with renewed purpose.

career coaching as transformation tool
career coaching as transformation tool

So how to get out of the foggy road?

Coaching is a powerful tool for transformation if you’re feeling trapped in a career rut. It helps you gain clarity by exploring the root causes of your dissatisfaction, identifying your strengths and passions, and setting actionable goals.

Coaching reveals new perspectives and potential pathways through reflective conversations and insightful discoveries. This process supports you in realigning your career with your personal values, turning stagnation into growth, and moving forward with renewed purpose.

overcoming career rut

Overcoming a career rut requires persistence, patience and encouragement.

The coach facilitates the process of working towards clarity and breakthrough, even when it feels like you are not making much headway.

As you work through the fog, you break out into the sun and you are along the road to the destination. A coach is a guide and facilitator who helps you navigate the foggy road onto the road of clarity.

Difference between Shirisha vs Career Coach

Difference between Shirisha as a Coach —and any other Career Coach

The only way you can experience the difference between Shirisha’s Coaching —and any other coach on the planet— is to experience it. There are three reasons and a P.S.:

1. Every single session is tailored.

The Coaching Sessions are not templated. I don’t follow a set format, model, or framework. As an eclectic and intuitive coach, I tailor each session to meet the client’s needs in the moment.

2. No long-term contracts.

My goal as a coach is to work myself out of the job. The longest contract I offer is for 3 sessions, unlike the typical 6- or 12-session contracts. I believe in rapid, transformational shifts that help clients achieve their goals quickly and move forward with their lives. No lengthy contracts or repetitive sessions rehashing the same problem.

3. No pushing hard.

As a coach, I focus on helping clients uncover their intrinsic motivation and desires to achieve their goals. I don’t rely on raw willpower, surface level extrinsic motivation or forceful techniques. Instead, I guide clients to tap into their latent power, enabling them to move forward naturally.

P.S. I invest time in our coaching sessions even before they begin. I engage in a 30 minute meditation routine to prepare, ensuring I bring my full presence and attention. This helps create a safe space for clients to fully engage in the session.


It helped me to unearth some subconscious patterns that were driving some of my decisions with career.

“The conversations I had with Siri were very helpful to see through the muddled-up thoughts on the career choices that were in front of me. It helped me to unearth some subconscious patterns that were driving some of my decisions with career.

Siri listens and provides a space of non judgement. After a few sessions , I could see without judgement and blame the needs that I was meeting with career choice , an atypical one, that I was making.

She is knowledgeable, with real world experience in corporate which helps her to connect with the dynamics that is common at work place.

I would strongly recommend Siri if you are looking to talk to someone who can help you see to yourself and feel empowered to work with self in an enriching manner.”

Ramakrishnan K

Software Engineer

In the last 2.5 years, I have been able to navigate some toxic workplace conflicts, plan my finances with courage, and clarify my own vision of what well-being at work looks like for me. I’m grateful to Siri for being the catalyst in this change.

I started my sessions with Siri in mid 2021 and continue to benefit from her guidance. I found Siri’s approach very different from what I saw in my previous coaching experiences. One thing her coaching style isn’t is a templatized program about climbing up proverbial ladders, setting goals, or making lists. These never worked sustainably for me anyway. She has no program, no one-size-fits-all philosophy. Each of my sessions with Siri have taken a different form. And she brings all her skills and presence to address whatever I am needing to address—no trend-based productivity mumbo jumbo, just staying with what comes up and works best for me.

Siri is an acute and perceptive listener and holds space with empathy and kindness. I feel seen, heard, and accepted for who I am. A lot of times, this is what I need more than motivation, goals, or strategies. She helps bring full awareness to what is going on. Some things have needed practical solutions and she has left me with suggestions to consider. But sometimes, I have needed a radical realignment in reframing persistent beliefs about work, colleagues, and my own self-worth.

I found it freeing to not be given fixed solutions to implement. Our sessions are always flexible too. I have the agency to decide when and how often I need the sessions and we talk about scheduling based on our availability. I found this very empowering.

Deepthi Krishnamurthy

Lead Copy Editor at Labcorp

Important: Reason Why You Shouldn’t Delay

#1. It is more economical than most coaches.

Most coaches charge between $150-$400 for a 60-minute session and require lengthy contracts of 6-12 sessions. Additionally, many coaches come from HR backgrounds. Unlike them, I bring real-life corporate experience, having worked my way up to Vice President in consulting and hard-core delivery roles in high-pressure environments. In our sessions, you’ll benefit from my practical experience as well as my diverse interests and practices.

#2. You are in a “safe space”

I work hard to create a safe space for my clients through my own inner work, studying with other professionals and teachers, and reflecting on my approach with my mentor. Creating this safe space is where I dedicate all my personal and professional development time because without it, no learning or change can happen.
Most coaches provide this space by just listening. However, true safe space goes beyond listening. It involves bringing full presence and awareness, being completely with the client, and removing oneself from the equation. I have no agenda for you; my goal is simply to help you discover yourself.

#3. No hidden costs or upsells

There are no hidden costs in my coaching contract. Unlike many coaches who upsell additional services or programs as “must-haves,” I do not pitch extra courses or products during our sessions. My coaching sessions stand alone, independent of any other services or offerings.

How do I sign up for the Coaching Sessions?

Step 1


To sign up, you need to have completed a 30-minute Discovery Call with me and received an invitation for the Intensive Insight Coaching Sessions.

Step 2

What is your investment?

$85 for 3, 75-minute coaching sessions contract valid for 45 days. I take on a limited number of clients, as I do only 3 sessions in a day, thrice a week.

Email me if you have any questions. 

Step 3

Step 3: Book Your Sessions

 Sign Up for Intensive Insight Coaching Sessions 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t want three sessions?

You can sign up for The 90-Minute Clarity Coaching Call.

This is designed for professionals needing immediate clarity on specific decisions, pressing problems, or urgent crises.

In this focused session, we’ll dive deep into your challenges, uncover insights, and create a clear path forward. Whether it’s navigating a career crossroads or resolving a work-related crisis, I’m here to help you find the clarity you need to move forward with confidence.

Can I expense the coaching sessions?

Yes. This is in alignment with the budget set aside for an individual’s learning and development needs in most organisations. Talk to your manager to see how can this be expensed.

What is the refund policy?

There is no refund policy as there is a 30 minute “Free, No Obligation” Discovery Call to assess fitment for both the coach and the client.

What is the validity of the coaching contract?

The 3 session coaching contract is valid for 45 days from the date of the first session or the start of the agreement date, whichever is earlier.

How can I extend the coaching contract?

By mutual consent between the coach and the client, the contract can be extended for another 3 sessions through email or verbal consent.

Who are these coaching sessions for?

These coaching sessions are for any working professional. Any professional problems and pertinent life challenges can be brought to the table in a coaching session. Individuals who are coming off a career break, or looking to work and need help with the transition also benefit from coaching.

What is the format of the coaching session?

The coaching sessions are conducted via Zoom. The sessions are live, and NOT RECORDED.

Have more questions? Contact me.

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