Do you Really Need Life Coaching?

Do You Want To Achieve At Least 3 Big Goals In A Year? (By Having A Slightly Imperfect Plan)

Have your goals run away from you between New Year’s and Valentine’s Day?

At the start of the year, you wipe the slate clean. This is your year, to change your life around. You set some goals for yourself on New Year’s Day and come Valentine’s Day the goals have run away from you.

When you planned at the beginning of the year, it was picture perfect. You are sure that you will be able to maintain consistency and make it to the finish line. But, in less than 6 weeks, you have given up on your plan, and have resigned to yet another year of not achieving your goals.


The Perfect Start Syndrome

The Perfect Start Syndrome

Some of our goals run into trouble not because we haven’t started but because we have had a perfect start.

I had signed up for a 16 week running program that would help me do my first run of 5km. I HATE running, so I thought having a group to do workouts and running drills with, and a motivating trainer would be enough to get me started.

I religiously stuck to my plan for about 4 weeks. I even ran for 1.5kms without thinking I was going to die, and also mildly enjoying it.

Then, life and my body got in the way.

I had an unexpected episode of vertigo, along with a major life event that was taking my mental bandwidth away.

My new running shoes were lying there, unworn 4 weeks after I bought them.

I found it hard to start small, because I kept baselining myself against the perfect start that I had achieved with this goal.

I eventually did some visioning, reframing and reflection and brought the goal down to “Walk for 30 mins a day”.

The Knowing Doing Gap

To achieve many goals in life, the path ahead is pretty straightforward. Especially the ones related to weight loss, mental health and physical health. Develop some good habits, do them consistently, track your progress, bounce from setbacks and keep going and magically you will reach the finish line in a year or two or five.

The path ahead is straightforward and not very easy. As time passes by, we accumulate more knowledge about how to hit the goal, consume Instagram reels, Youtube videos by experts, read up on the latest in that area, and then we fail to act on it.

The Knowing Doing Gap is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the iceberg lies a strong pull to the default shaped by the forces of our beliefs and submerged emotions.

The Knowing Doing Gap
The Knowing Doing Gap

The Knowing Doing Gap

To achieve many goals in life, the path ahead is pretty straightforward. Especially the ones related to weight loss, mental health and physical health. Develop some good habits, do them consistently, track your progress, bounce from setbacks and keep going and magically you will reach the finish line in a year or two or five.

The path ahead is straightforward and not very easy. As time passes by, we accumulate more knowledge about how to hit the goal, consume Instagram reels, Youtube videos by experts, read up on the latest in that area, and then we fail to act on it.

The Knowing Doing Gap is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath the iceberg lies a strong pull to the default shaped by the forces of our beliefs and submerged emotions.

Going it All Alone

Going it All Alone

When there is a serious goal that we need to achieve, and there are some life threatening consequences, we go about it in two different ways.

We shell out a lot of money, hire an expert, follow a strict protocol that would make Ironman look like child’s play. We get the results we want, we maintain it for a short while and bounce back to our original state.

On the other end, we try to do it all on our own. Climbing uphill and learning how to climb at the same time, we are exhausted at the beginning of the day. Getting out of the bed, and doing all those repetitive boring tasks seems like a sure fire route to drudgery. The promised outcome never materialises.

We do this in all areas of our life, health, work, relationships and financial well being. So how do we break the streak of not being able to achieve goals in the areas of our life that mean a lot to us?


The Middle Path To Goal Setting: How To Achieve At Least 3 Big Goals In A Year? (By Having A Slightly Imperfect Plan)

In the course of 8 Individual Visioning Coaching Sessions, you will be able to explore

  • How to Set Goals Through the Power of Visioning?
  • How can I Tap into the Power of the Past to Set Goals That Are Meaningful?
  • How to Set 3 Goals That Would Change my Life?
  • How to Create a Path of Least Resistance to Achieving Your Goals?
  • How to Track and Measure Progress Against Your Goals?
  • How To Use The Power Of Reflection To Break Through the Plateaus?
  • How To Use The Process To Set Future Goals?

Apart from the 8 Visioning Sessions, you also get 4 Goal Check Ins. These check ins will help you to

  • Track Progress against your goals
  • Work Through Challenges That Come Up
  • Celebrate Wins and Acknowledge Your Effort
  • Create a Safe Space for Reflection
Choosing Sirisha for Life Coaching

Difference between Shirisha as a Coach —and any other Life Coach

The only way you can experience the difference between Shirisha’s Coaching —and any other coach on the planet— is to experience it. There are three reasons and a P.S.:

1. Every single session is tailored and 1:1.

The Coaching Sessions are not templated. We have a broad theme for every session, so that we have boundaries of exploration. What happens in the coaching session is very organic, and we work with whatever comes up for you in that session. I don’t follow a set format, model, or framework. As an eclectic and intuitive coach, I tailor each session to meet the client’s needs in the moment using whatever tools or frameworks or activities that are needed.

2. Each session is client-led.

My aspiration is for you to trust yourself, and fully come into your own power. I will set the boundaries of the session, hold the space, ask questions, challenge you, process your challenging experiences, celebrate your wins, but the session is led by you. You set the agenda you would like to explore, and we will go with whatever is important to you. You decide what you want out of each session right at the outset, and we will work together to help you achieve it.

3. No pushing hard.

As a coach, I focus on helping clients uncover their intrinsic motivation and desires to achieve their goals. I don’t rely on raw willpower, surface level extrinsic motivation or forceful techniques. Instead, I guide clients to tap into their latent power, enabling them to move forward naturally.

P.S. I invest time in our coaching sessions even before they begin. I engage in a 30 minute meditation routine to prepare, ensuring I bring my full presence and attention. This helps create a safe space for clients to fully engage in the session.


You create a safe space for everybody to share and brainstorm about the happy, not so happy and often confusing thoughts.

I could always count on your support and advise and when it’s required – simply you turn into a great listener.

The mindfulness practices that you introduced me to, gave me an opportunity to contact with my inner voice and let me understand the deep buried needs. You thought me how to self-consciously analyse my issues and deal with them with respect to my feelings.
Thanks to you and your positive attitude I now know how to walk through life keeping the work-life balance and mind open to any circumstances.

Mariola Kotaba


8,257 miles separate us. I have never met you in person. Yet, you have forever changed my life…my way of thinking…my way of being.
You opened your heart and shared yourself fully, without fear.

You have helped me learn that limitations are not limiting, we can break free and release our hold on these boundaries, we can break the patterns we have lived with for so long, we can expand and grow. We can be open to each other, the world and the unknown that may be ahead of us.

Your honesty, sincerity, guidance, and smile have been a breath of fresh air to me. It gives me the confidence to go out and be the full me, the honest me.

Gayle E Smith

New York

Important: Reason Why You Shouldn’t Delay

#1. It is more economical than most coaches.

Most Life Coaches charge between $150-$300 for a 60-minute session and require lengthy contracts of 6-12 sessions. Here, you are getting 8 full coaching sessions along with 4 accountability sessions at an average cost of $50 per session.

Additionally, I am an ICF Certified Coach, with significant work and life experience behind me. If you are keen on setting goals and achieving them, and you want this to be the year where you break the curse of new year resolutions, then this is your opportunity.

#2. You are in a “safe space”

I work hard to create a safe space for my clients through my own inner work, studying with other professionals and teachers, and reflecting on my approach with my mentor. Creating this safe space is where I dedicate all my personal and professional development time because without it, no learning or change can happen.
Most coaches provide this space by just listening. However, true safe space goes beyond listening. It involves bringing full presence and awareness, being completely with the client, and removing oneself from the equation. I have no agenda for you; my goal is simply to help you discover yourself.

#3. No hidden costs or upsells

There are no hidden costs in my coaching contract. Unlike many coaches who upsell additional services or programs as “must-haves,” I do not pitch extra courses or products during our sessions. My coaching sessions stand alone, independent of any other services or offerings.


#4. Offers you a competitive advantage amongst your peers

Life passes by as we are immersed in our day to day activities. There is hardly any time to step back and to think about intentionally steering our lives and creating it the way we want it to. Big goals, set on 1st January, fall by the wayside in less than 3 weeks of setting them. If achieving those goals are important

This program opens twice a year, and I work 1:1 with 6 leaders at a time. The program opens in January 2025 and April 2025 for enrollment. Investing 3 hours in a month to work with an experienced coach gives you the competitive advantage that will help you make your mark as a leader.

How do I sign up for Life Coaching Sessions?

Eligibility: To sign up, you need to have completed a 30-minute Discovery Call or a coaching session with me and fill up the below application form.

What is your investment?

Life Coaching To Achieve Your 3 Big Goals Essential Premium
8 Goal Visioning Sessions – 75 mins duration
4 Goal Check Ins (30 mins duration)
Validity for 4 months 
Big Bonuses
Special Extension of Validity for additional 2 months
Exclusive Guides: Goal Visioning Audio Meditations (worth $200)
Single Payment Option $521  $541
Two Monthly Installment Option $270×2 $290×2

Note: All Payments are in US Dollars

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this Coaching Program right for me?

Way too many people think they have to figure out stuff on their own. As a woman, you are likely responsible for just more than your work, and team. This is a way of giving yourself space and dedicated time, with an experienced coach holding the space for you, to help you reflect, integrate and act according to your values.

Having a coach is a competitive advantage, especially in a crowded corporate jungle. The value of someone who has your back, and has no agenda except your well being is priceless. If you would like someone to have your back, hold space for you, as you figure things out, this is right for you.

This is NOT for you, if you expect a templated program that will magically make you a great leader. I won’t be offering solutions or a framework to transform you. I will hold space, support you in figuring out answers to tough questions, reflect and help you integrate what you have learned in your journey. I won’t be giving you an easy time, you can be sure of that. But I will do so in a respectful and compassionate way, being mindful of boundaries.

2. I am not sure how well we would work together. How can I find out?

You can sign up for a 30 minute “Free, No Obligation” Discovery Call for us to figure out if we would work well together. You can also sign up for a single coaching session or Intensive Insight Sessions, which are of 3 session duration. I ask you to trust your own experience. I do have testimonials on the website, but trust your own experience over everything else.

3. What is the refund policy?

There is no refund policy. You can sign up for the Discovery Sessions and Clarity Coaching Session to assess fitment with the coach.

4. Are there installment options available?

Yes, you can pay in 2 installments.


5. What is the validity of the coaching contract?

The Essential Option is valid for 4 months and the Premium Option is valid for 6 months.

6. What is the format of the coaching session?

The coaching sessions are conducted via Zoom. If the client is based out of Bangalore, then the sessions can be conducted in person. The sessions are live, and NOT RECORDED.

7. Is this a Group Coaching Program or 1:1?

This is an individual coaching program, so the sessions will be 1:1 and scheduled at a mutually agreed time between the coach and the client.

Have more questions? Contact me.

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